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Storybook is a tool for UI development. It makes development faster and easier by isolating components.

This allows you to work on one component at a time. You can develop entire UI without needing to start up a complex dev stack, force certain data into your database, or navigate around your application.

Refer to official documentation for detailed usage. →


All required configurations will be handled automatically by CLI as long as you choose CSS Preprocessor and feature plugins during the project creation phase.

Storybook with CSS configuration handled by CLI as a default if you don't prefer to choose any CSS feature or UI framework plugin.

module.exports = {  stories: ["../src/**/*.stories.mdx", "../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"],  addons: [    "@storybook/addon-links",    "@storybook/addon-essentials",    "@storybook/addon-controls",    "@storybook/addon-knobs",  ],  webpackFinal: async (config) => {    return config;  },};
export const parameters = {  actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },};

For example, lets check out a button component storybook file:

import React from "react";import { withKnobs, boolean } from "@storybook/addon-knobs";
import { Button } from "./index";
export default {  title: "Button",  component: Button,  decorators: [withKnobs],};
export const Basic = () => <Button disabled={boolean("Disabled", false)}>Button</Button>;

We added addon-knobs to show how to use of dynamic variables. You are free to omit knobs if you don't need to use.

Refer to github repo for detailed usage of knobs.

Run your storybook with npm run storybook.


You can build Storybook as a static web application with:

  npm run build-storybook

Refer to official documentation for detailed usage of publishing storybook.

How to configure Storybook with plugins?#


Selected UI framework plugin adds by superplate during the project creating phase. You can follow instructions at the below, if you want to add UI framework later.


To use scss with storybook in your project, the webpackFinal field in main.js should be changed as follows.

npm i -D sass-loader

To learn how to configure Scss in your project follow instructions from here →

webpackFinal: async (config) => {    config.module.rules.push({        // this is for both less and scss        test: /.*\.(?:sc|c)ss$/,        use: [            "style-loader",            {                loader: "css-loader",                options: {                    modules: true,                },            },            "sass-loader",        ],    });    return config;}


To use chakra-ui with storybook in your project, main.js and preview.js should be updated as follows.

const path = require("path");const toPath = (_path) => path.join(process.cwd(), _path);
module.exports = {  stories: ["../src/**/*.stories.mdx", "../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)"],  addons: [    "@storybook/addon-links",    "@storybook/addon-essentials",    "@storybook/addon-controls",    "@storybook/addon-knobs",  ],  webpackFinal: async (config) => {    config = {      ...config,      resolve: {        ...config.resolve,        alias: {          ...config.resolve.alias,          "@emotion/core": toPath("node_modules/@emotion/react"),          "emotion-theming": toPath("node_modules/@emotion/react"),        },      },    };
    return config;  },};
import { addDecorator } from "@storybook/react";import { ChakraProvider, extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";
export const parameters = {  actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },};
export const globalTypes = {  direction: {    name: "Direction",    description: "Direction for layout",    defaultValue: "LTR",    toolbar: {      icon: "globe",      items: ["LTR", "RTL"],    },  },};
const withChakra = (StoryFn, context) => {  const { direction } = context.globals;  const dir = direction.toLowerCase();  return (    <ChakraProvider theme={extendTheme({ direction: dir })}>      <div dir={dir} id="story-wrapper" style={{ minHeight: "100vh" }}>        <StoryFn />      </div>    </ChakraProvider>  );};

Bootstrap and Antd#

To use bootstrap and antd with storybook in your project, imports related to the plugin should be added to the preview.js file.


import "antd/dist/antd.css";


import styles from "../src/styles/app.scss";


To use styled-components with storybook in your project.

npm i -D storybook-addon-styled-component-theme

We recommend to check styled-component documentation to integrate styled-component to your existing project and then the addons field in main.js should be changed as follows and preview.js should be updated as follows.

  addons: [    "@storybook/addon-links",    "@storybook/addon-essentials",    "@storybook/addon-controls",    "@storybook/addon-knobs",    "storybook-addon-styled-component-theme/dist/register",  ],
import { addDecorator } from "@storybook/react";import { withThemesProvider } from "storybook-addon-styled-component-theme";
import { light } from "../src/definitions/styled-components/light";import { dark } from "../src/definitions/styled-components/dark";
export const parameters = {  actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },};
const lightTheme = {  name: "LIGHT",  ...light,};
const darkTheme = {  name: "DARK",  ...dark,};
export const getAllThemes = () => {  return [lightTheme, darkTheme];};

Storybook includes two themes that looks good: light and dark.


With the styled-components you will be able to use the theme fully integrated into Storybook when you switch storybook theme then Storybook itself will change into the theme and the components you use will change as well.

Adding Storybook to your project later#


All this work will be handled automatically by superplate, so you don’t need to do anything extra as long as you choose Storybook plugin during the project creation phase.

If you want to add Storybook to your existing project first install the dependencies

npm i -D @babel/core @storybook/addon-actions @storybook/addon-essentials @storybook/addon-links @storybook/preset-scss @storybook/addon-knobs @storybook/react babel-loader style-loader css-loader

Refer to official documentation for detailed usage. →