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graphql-request is a simple & lightweight GraphQL client.

superplate comes with optional graphql-request feature plugin. We'll show basic usage of graphql-request with SpaceX-API.

We'll define the shape of the query we'll use to fetch launchesPast from SpaceX-API.

import { gql } from "graphql-request";
export const GET_LAUNCHES = gql`    query GetLaunches($limit: Int) {        launchesPast(limit: $limit) {            mission_name            links {                mission_patch_small            }            rocket {                rocket_name            }            id        }    }`;

import React from "react";import { request } from "graphql-request";
import { GET_LAUNCHES } from "./graphql";import { GetLaunchesQuery } from "__generated__/__types__";
const endpoint = "";
export const GraphQLRequestExample: React.FC = () => {    const [launches, setLaunches] = React.useState<GetLaunchesQuery>();    const [hasData, setHasData] = React.useState(false);
    if (!hasData) {        request(endpoint, GET_LAUNCHES, { limit: 1 }).then(            (data: GetLaunchesQuery) => {                setLaunches(data);                setHasData(true);            },        );    }
    if (!hasData) return <div>Loading...</div>;
    const { links, mission_name, rocket } = launches;
    return (      <>          <div>Last Space-X Launch</div>          <div>              <img src={links.mission_patch_small} />              <div>                  <h3>{mission_name}</h3>                  <div>                      <h4>Rocket:</h4>                      <span>{rocket.rocket_name}</span>                  </div>              </div>          </div>      </>    );};

Since we are using TypeScript in the project, also import the necessary types that are generated from SpaceX-API schema definitions:

import { GetLaunchesQuery } from "__generated__/__types__";

Generating schema types#

To generate the types automatically we use graphql-code-generator and need to set configs in codegen.yaml file.

Refer to documentation for detailed usage →

# codegen.yamlschema: ./src/**/**/graphql.tsgenerates:    ./__generated__/__types__.ts:        config:            onlyOperationTypes: true            preResolveTypes: true        plugins:            - typescript            - typescript-operations

Then run the following command which is defined in package.json.

  "scripts": {    ...    "codegen:generate": "graphql-codegen"  },  "devDependencies": {      ...      "@graphql-codegen/cli": "^1.20.0",      "@graphql-codegen/typescript": "^1.20.0",      "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^1.17.13"  }
npm run codegen:generate

Running this command will generate types into __generated__ folder in project root directory automatically.

export type Maybe<T> = T | null;export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = {    [K in keyof T]: T[K];};
export type Scalars = {    ID: string;    String: string;    Boolean: boolean;    Int: number;    Float: number;    uuid: any;    timestamptz: any;    Date: any;    ObjectID: any;};
export type GetLaunchesQueryVariables = Exact<{    limit?: Maybe<Scalars["Int"]>;}>;
export type GetLaunchesQuery = {    __typename?: "Query";    launchesPast?: Maybe<        Array<            Maybe<{                __typename?: "Launch";                mission_name?: Maybe<string>;                launch_year?: Maybe<string>;                id?: Maybe<string>;                links?: Maybe<{                    __typename?: "LaunchLinks";                    mission_patch_small?: Maybe<string>;                    mission_patch?: Maybe<string>;                }>;                rocket?: Maybe<{                    __typename?: "LaunchRocket";                    rocket_name?: Maybe<string>;                }>;            }>        >    >;};


All this work will be handled automatically by CLI, so you don’t need to do anything extra as long as you choose graphql-request feature plugin during the project creation phase.

Adding graphql-request to your project later#

If you want to add graphql-request to your existing project first install the dependencies

npm i graphql-request graphql

Follow here to generate types