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CLI has two built-in prompts; app name and the package manager questions are prompted at the beginning. You can define your prompts in the prompt.js at the root of your plugin source. Enquirer's built-in prompts are available to use. You can check them out in the Enquirer docs.

You can also apply ignore patterns for your plugins, those ignore glob patterns can be applied project-wide or only for specified plugins. Provide a function with prompt answers to whether the ignore patterns will apply or not.

Also you can define presets, those will be available to use with --preset option. Presets can include all or part of the choices.

prompts: {    type: string;    message: string;    name: string;    value?: string;    choices?: string;    default?: string;}[];
ignores: {    plugin?: string[];    when: (answers: Record<string, string | string[] | boolean>) => boolean;    pattern: string[]}[];
presets: Array<{    name: string;    answers: Record<string,string>;}>;
module.exports = {    prompts: [        {            message: "CSS Preprocessor:",            name: "css_features",            type: "select",            choices: [                {                    message: "None",                    name: "css",                },                { message: "sass/scss", name: "scss" },                { message: "styled-components", name: "styled" },            ],            default: "css",        },        {            message: "Do you also want to add styled-system ?",            name: "styled-system",            type: "confirm",            skip: ({ answers }) => answers.css_features !== "styled",        },    ],    ignores: [        {            plugin: ["styled-components"],            when: function (answers) {                return answers["styled-system"] === true;            },            pattern: ["src/components/**", "pages/index.tsx"],        },    ],    presets: [        {            name: "with-antd",            answers: {                ui: "antd"            }        }    ]};


Place your package.json configuration such as dependencies or scripts. Content of this file will be merged with the other selected plugins.


{    "dependencies": {      "styled-components": "^5.2.1"    },    "devDependencies": {      "babel-plugin-styled-components": "^1.12.0"    }}

Create React App doesn’t need to install or configure tools like webpack or Babel. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.


You can derive your packages for given answers to the prompts. Export an object with apply function, CLI will call it with two parameters; first parsed package.json of the plugin and second the given answers to the prompts.


We recommend to place all your dependencies in the plugins package.json file and delete them in the package.js if necessary. This is a better practice for the maintainability of your plugin.


  • package: Record<string,unknown> : Parsed package.json
  • answers: string[] : Prompt answers in an array


module.exports = {    apply(package, answers) {
        if (answers.includes("other-plugin")) {            delete package.devDependencies["not-needed-anymore-package"];        }                return package;    },};


In some plugins, we have a need to alter the _app and _document of Next.js. You may need these values as well or custom properties to apply in other plugin templates.


_app?: { import: string[]; inner: string[]; wrapper: [string, string][] }

These values will append accordingly to the _app.tsx file.

_document?: { import: string[]; initialProps: string[] }

These values will append accordingly to the _document.tsx file.

[key: string]: unknown

You can define custom properties in plugin's extend file and use them in your projects. These values will be passed as a template data to EJS.

In core-plugins, we've defined a property named testSetup to provide appropriate wrappers to the testing environment.


const base = {    _app: {        import: ['import "tailwindcss/tailwind.css";'],        inner: [],        wrapper: [],    },};
module.exports = {    extend() {        return base;    },};


When you define a tsconfig.json file in your plugin, it will be ignored while moving the plugin content to target directory. Instead, your TypeScript config will be merged with the others to avoid breaking other plugins.



{    "compilerOptions": {        "paths": {            "@components/*": ["src/components"],        }    }}


{    "compilerOptions": {        "paths": {            "@styles/*": ["src/styles"],        }    }}


{    "compilerOptions": {        "paths": {            "@components/*": ["src/components"],            "@styles/*": ["src/styles"],        }    }}

Create React App support importing modules using absolute paths. Go to Docs →.


Content of your .babelrc file will be ignored when moving the plugin's content to the target directory. Instead this file's content will be merged with the others to prevent breaking other plugins' config.

{  "presets": ["next/babel"],  "plugins": [["styled-components", { "ssr": true }]]}

Create React App doesn’t need to install or configure tools like webpack or Babel. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.


A Brief information about the plugin. You can give it a name, description and a url to the docs.


{    "slug": "my-plugin",    "name": "My Plugin",    "description": "A plugin to do great things.",    "url": "https://url-to-docs/my-plugin",}


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