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Creating a Plugin

You may need to add and modify some files to properly set up libraries with your Next.js project. What we call plugin is a directory with all the packages you need to install and the files you need to add and modify.

This article will show you how to create a superplate plugin from scratch and the ways superplate offers you to interact with other plugins in your source.

Let's create a plugin to add styled-components to our project easily.

Preparing the Development Environment#

Before we start plugin development, superplate repo need to know how to consume your local plugins repository where you make development.

Firstly, clone the main superplate repo, then navigate to folder and run:

npm run dev:cli

Keep it running during the plugin development phase.

Then, clone the plugins repository for Next.js or React.

Change the values one with in the following commands:

  • repo-name is for newly boilerplate project name to be created.

  • plugin-repo-directory with absolute path where the plugins repository cloned in to.

node superplate/lib/index {repo-name} --source {plugin-repo-root-directory}

Whenever this commands are running, superplate will be listening and using the local plugin repo that you are working on development.

So now, you can modify or add new plugins and test it by creating new superplate boilerplates.

Creating a Plugin Directory#

Let's start with creating a directory for our plugin inside our source's plugins directory.

mkdir plugins/styled-components

Adding Plugin to the Prompts#

We need to add our plugin to appropriate place in prompt.js file. We can ask the user for a styling and place styled-components inside it.

module.exports = {    prompts: [        {            name: "styling",            message: "How would you like to style your apps?",            type: "select",            choices: [                { message: "None", name: "none" },                { message: "styled-components", name: "styled-components" },            ],            default: "none",        },    ]}

Make sure name or value property for the choice is the same with the directory name you've created.

Creating a package.json#

Let's create a package.json inside the plugin directory. We need to add styled-components package and the babel-plugin-styled-components to properly support SSR.

{    "dependencies": {      "styled-components": "^5.2.1"    },    "devDependencies": {      "babel-plugin-styled-components": "^1.12.0"    }}

Modifying package.json with User Answers#

Let's say that we want to prompt the users, asking them if they want to include the support for SSR.

We can do so by simply modifying our prompt.js. Append below codes to your prompts array.

{    name: "ssr",    message: "Do you want styled-components to support SSR?",    // This will be a Yes/No question    type: "confirm",    // We want to skip this question if styled-components is not selected.    skip: ({answers}) => answers.styling !== "styled-components",}

And if this prompt is not answered Yes we want to remove the babel plugin from devDependencies. We can do that by creating a package.js inside our plugin.

module.exports = {    /**     * package: the current content of your package.json     * answers: array of given user answers to the prompts      */    apply(package, answers) {        if (answers.ssr === false) {            delete package.devDependencies[                "babel-plugin-styled-components"            ];        }        return package;    },};

We will be handling this plugin later in Custom .babelrc section.

Using Templates#

We have handled the dependencies for our plugin. Now, let's add an example component. First, we need two files styled.ts and example.tsx. We will place them under plugins/styled-components/src/components/example.


import styled from "styled-components";
export const StyledContainer = styled.main`    padding: 1rem;    margin: 0 auto;    max-width: 32rem;`;


import React from "react";import { StyledContainer } from "./styled";
export const ExampleComponent: React.FC = () => {    return (        <StyledContainer>            <h2>This is an example component with styled-components</h2>            <%_ if (answers.ssr === true) { _%>            <small>and with SSR!</small>            <%_ } _%>            <p>some text</p>        </StyledContainer>    )}

We can use EJS in our files. superplate will process all ejs templates while creating a project. If you want to learn more about the available template data; please check out References#templates

Modifying the App and the Document#


Since Document file is special for Next.js apps, you can ignore intructions about Document, if you are developing plugins for React.

styled-components has full support for theming. In order to use themes in our entire app; We need to modify newly create boilerplates <App> component.
superplate's base template allows you to modify <App> and <Document>; to wrap styled-component's ThemeProvider we need to create an extend.js file.


superplate will merge all extend.js content and pass it to your templates. You only need to cover modifications for your plugin in plugin's extend.js file.

const base = {    _app: {        // _app.import will be appended to the import section in pages/_app.tsx file.        import: [            'import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";',        ],        // _app.inner will be appended to the inner code section of the custom App.        inner: [            `const theme = {                main: "mediumseagreen"            }`,        ],        // _app.wrapper will wrap the return statement of the custom App.        wrapper: [["<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>", "</ThemeProvider>"]],    },};
module.exports = {    extend() {        return base;    },};

Since we try to add SSR support. We also need to modify the custom Document. Let's add the required codes for _document.tsx and only apply them if we select SSR support.

const base = {    _app: {        import: [            'import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";',        ],        inner: [            `const theme = {                main: "mediumseagreen"            }`,        ],        wrapper: [["<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>", "</ThemeProvider>"]],    },    _document: {        import: ['import { ServerStyleSheet } from "styled-components";'],        initialProps: [            `const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet();            const originalRenderPage = ctx.renderPage;            try {                ctx.renderPage = () =>                    originalRenderPage({                        enhanceApp: (App) => (props) =>                            sheet.collectStyles(<App {...props} />),                    });                const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx);                return {                    ...initialProps,                    styles: (                        <>                            {initialProps.styles}                            {sheet.getStyleElement()}                        </>                    ),                };            } finally {                sheet.seal();            }`,        ],        wrapper: [],    },};
module.exports = {    extend(answers) {        if (!answers.ssr) {            // Remove _document modifications if ssr is false.            delete base._document;        }        return base;    },};

Defining Custom Data#

We're done for _app and _document but in many plugins you may need different template data for each plugin. You can define and return custom data to your templates for every plugin. We used testSetup property to handle wrappers in superplate's core plugins testing-library and enzyme. These custom properties will be merged as well as _app and _document. Here's an example for custom template data.

const base = {    testSetup: {        import: [            'import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";',        ],        inner: [            `const theme = {                main: "mediumseagreen"            }`,        ],        wrapper: [["<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>", "</ThemeProvider>"]],    },};
module.exports = {    extend() {        return base;    },};

We will not cover testing-library and enzyme plugins in this article but if you wish to learn more about them; you can check out superplate-core-plugins/react-library.

Custom tsconfig.json#

superplate will take care of your plugin's tsconfig.json file just like your package.json and it will merge every custom config you define when you create a new project. We've created an example component with styled-components. Let's add a path alias for our components directory in our tsconfig.json.

{    "compilerOptions": {        "paths": {            "@components/*": ["src/components/*"],            "@components": ["src/components"],        }    }}

Create React App support importing modules using absolute paths. Go to Docs →.

Custom .babelrc#


Create React App doesn’t need to install or configure tools like webpack or Babel. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.

We will need a babel plugin to ensure consistency between the server and the client. Let's create a .babelrc file in our plugin to tell babel to use this plugin.
superplate will merge all babel config to one just like package.json and tsconfig.json files.

{  "presets": ["next/babel"],  "plugins": [["styled-components", { "ssr": true }]]}

Providing a Plugin Description#

We're using meta.json to collect data about plugins. You can provide an url to the docs and a description for your plugin in meta.json. Here's what we will use for styled-components plugin:

{    "name": "Styled Components",    "description": "Utilising tagged template literals (a recent addition to JavaScript) and the power of CSS, styled-components allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components.",    "url": ""}


We've created a plugin from scratch to add styled-components to our next project with superplate. If you want to check out how we created different plugins, please check out superplate-core-plugins.

To learn more about superplate's API, you can check out References.