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The frontend boilerplate with superpowers

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All plugins follow the best practices

superplate gives you many abilities to create your own plugin and interact with the others. You can add useful, highly-demands front-end development tools and libraries as a plugin by using superplate CLI during the project creation phase.

To create a project called my-app, run this command:

npx superplate-cli my-app

Easy to get started in seconds
 const base = {  _app: {      import: [          'import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react";',          'import theme from "@definitions/chakra/theme";',      ],      wrapper: [["<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>", "</ChakraProvider>"]],  },  testSetup: {      import: [          'import { ChakraProvider } from "@chakra-ui/react";',          'import theme from "@definitions/chakra/theme";',      ],      wrapper: [["<ChakraProvider theme={theme}>", "</ChakraProvider>"]],  },};module.exports = {    extend() {        return base;    },};

Easy to extend/customize plugin structure

You can easily develop your own framework CLI and plugins according to your needs to on top of superplate codebase due to its framework/plugin agnostic nature.

npm run dev